Thursday, January 20, 2005

Automatic Writing: How to do it

I found this at a webpage of Duke University. A how-to manual for automatic writing.

Sit at a table with pen and paper; put yourself in a 'receptive' frame of mind, and start writing. Continue writing without thinking of what is appearing beneath your pen. Write as fast as you can. If, for some reason, the flow stops,leave a space and immediately begin again by writing down the first letter of the next sentence. Choose this letter at random before you begin, for instance, a 't', and always begin this new sentence with a 't'. Although in the purest version of automatism nothing is 'corrected' or re-written the unexpected material produced by this method can be used as the basis for further composition. What is crucial is the unpremeditated free association that creates the basic text.

-- Surrealist Games (Alastair Brotchie, Redstone Press)

Ah well. I just recommend speed writing, supported by speed visualization. Eh?

Monday, January 10, 2005

This happened once before when I came to your door no reply they said it wasn't you but I saw you peek through your window I saw the light

I'm listening to the entire output of The Beatles (most of which I've never heard before) in order to try and channel John Lennon but all I'm getting is Michael Nesmith from The Monkees. Which is weird because he is still very much alive.

Maybe California is Heaven.
A sequel to Great Mahakali Write-a-thalon 2004. This event is held every year on a weekend in May. You too can join the organisers' blog. This is a zero-commerce event.